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From Theory to Practice: Projects at the FH Potsdam at a Glance

Here you will find a current overview of selected projects at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. You can filter the projects by departments and degree programs, by project type, or by content focus.

Organisational unit
Degree programme
    Quadratische Bildausschnitte sind in ihren unterschiedlichen Gr??en zu einem mosaikartigen Layout zusammengefügt

    Close-Up Cloud: An Experimental Visualisation for Exploring Image Collections

    The Close-Up Cloud introduces a visualisation approach that challenges the separation of overview and detail. For this, the iconographic details of images are summarised to reveal visual patterns in a collection and to stimulate exploration through the holdings.

    Logo des Projekts BiKA – Beteiligung von Kindern im Kita-Alltag

    BIKA – Participation in Daycare Everyday Life

    BiKA is a joint research project of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam and the Research and Development Institute P?dQUIS?, affiliated institute of the ASH Berlin and cooperating institute of the University of Graz. The study was developed jointly and is carried out under joint responsibility. It is funded by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth.

    Sich meldende Schülerinnen und Schüler in einer Grundschule

    Where Is Prevention Needed? Social Space-Oriented Help in the Context of Primary Schools – A Model Project in the Oder Spree District

    This research project was conducted as part of a course at the Department of Social and Educational Sciences at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam.

    Logo des Forschungsprojekts "Mobility-as-a-足球比分网 für Potsdam"

    MaaS4P: Intelligent and Automated Mobility in Potsdam

    Neighbourhood-based networked concept Mobility-as-a-足球比分网 for Potsdam (MaaS4P) with innovative and automated forms of public transport services

    RDMO – Research Data Management Organiser

    Development and implementation of a tool for planning, implementation and control of research data management

    Logo des Forschungsprojekts Postdigitale Kunstpraktiken in der Kulturellen Bildung - ?sthetische Begegnungen zwischen Aneignung, Produktion und Vermittlung

    PKKB: Postdigital Art Practices in Cultural Education – Aesthetic Encounters between Appropriation, Production and Mediation

    Research into post-digital art scenes, their spaces of practice, appropriation and reception, and the development of artistic-aesthetic mediation concepts for cultural education in exchange with the research practices carried out.

    Logo des Forschungsprojekts "SENSES - Angewandte Klimaszenarien: Perspektiven und Handlungsoptionen"

    SENSES – Applied Climate Scenarios: Perspectives and Options for Action

    The SENSES project translates complex scientific climate scenario information into relevant knowledge for different user groups.

    Logo des Forschungsprojekts "Daten-Governance Regeln für Mobility-as-a-足球比分网"

    DG4MaaS: Data Governance Rules for Mobility-as-a-足球比分网

    Research project Data Governance Rules in Public Transport as a Building Block for Mobility-as-a-足球比分网 - MaaS

    THEMIS.COG: Theoretical and Empirical Modelling of Identities and Attitudes in Collaborative Groups

    The research project THEMIS.COG investigates social and psychological mechanisms of self-organised cooperation.

    Logo des Forschungsprojekts "Kooperative Mobilit?t im digitalen Testfeld Düsseldorf"

    KoMoD – Test Field Automated and Connected Driving Düsseldorf

    Practical testing of new technologies for vehicle-infrastructure networking as well as highly and fully automated driving in the digital test field Düsseldorf

    Logo des Forschungsprojekts "Visualisierung bibliographischer Daten und Inhalte"

    Visualisation of Bibliographic Data and Content

    Cooperation with the German National Library to research interactive visualisations of a comprehensive bibliographic collection