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Online Exams – Media Didactics and E-Learning 足球比分网s for Lecturers

Would you like to conduct online examinations as a lecturer? You can find all the information about our services and support here.

Bild mit H?kchenfelder-Icon und der Aufschrift "Moodle Prüfungen"

Moodle exams – Exam

Exam is a separate Moodle instance of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam for online examinations. You can access "Moodle Exams" via the following two web addresses:

When you first log in with your Campus.account, you must first confirm the privacy policy and the terms of use. Only then can you create online exams.

Our services

Online exams allow you to save a lot of time in the long run through automatic correction. However, familiarising yourself with the subject and creating online exams takes some time. Please take this into account in your planning and start as early as possible. Here you will find extensive didactic, organisational and technical information from us to help you get started.

Thematic dossier "Didactic scenarios and forms of online examinations"

As a lecturer, you must first decide on an online examination scenario. This thematic dossier will help you with your decision and provide further tips. At the end, you will also find a series of good practice examples of online exams that your colleagues at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam have already successfully implemented.

Thematic dossier online exams

HelpDesk-Wiki Moodle exams (exam)

Planning, conducting and analysing an online exam requires good planning. Here you will learn about the phases of an online exam. You will get the information, who is responsible for planning and coordinating the framework conditions for each phase. You will receive tips on implementation. We recommend that you keep your own checklist with dates so that you can keep an overview.

HelpDesk-Wiki Moodle-exams (exam)

Moodle question types

As a lecturer, you will learn about different question types in the "Test" activity in Moodle. The question types are mainly used for exams. However, they can also be used for other purposes. Click on the images and videos under the question types to get a first impression of the functions.

Moodle question types

Initial consultation & deadlines

  • Request initial consultation on an online exam at least 6 – 8 months before the exam date.
  • Request advice on the development of a specific online examination at least 4 months before the examination date.
  • Request a test of a completed or conducted online exam in Moodle at least 2 months before the exam date.

Enquiry by e-mail: digitale-lehre@fh-potsdam.de

First-level support Moodle departments

Regular Moodle support for lecturers in the departments is provided by the decentralized Moodle supervisors. However, these may be organized differently depending on the department. You will receive more detailed information on the process and the requirements in your own department on a decentralized basis.

  • Decentralized Moodle supervisors:
  • Alexander Kirchhof (e-learning advisor), 
    David Berger (eigital examination formats employee)
  • Contact:
  • e-learning.fb1@fh-potsdam.de

Decentralized Moodle supervisors:



Decentralized Moodle supervisors:




Use Incom as LMS

Decentralized Moodle administrators:




Decentralized Moodle supervisors

Annabel Kerstin Witzke (e-learning employee), 
Nico Beyer (e-learning employee)



Technical mock exam for students & lecturers

To get started with online exams, we recommend that you take a look at the sample exam for students. This will give you a quick insight into how an online exam works and which different standard online exam formats are available.

Please log in to Exam with your Campus.account before clicking on the mock exam: https://fhp.eu/probeklausur

Technische Probeklausur für Studierende auf hellblauem Hintergrund mit einem Laptop als Icon und dem FHP Logo

Legal framework

The legal framework for online examinations is regulated by

  • Laws and ordinances of the state of Brandenburg
  • Regulations and statutes of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam in general
  • Study and assessment regulations of the departments of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam
  • General regulations and laws

Enclosed you will find a selection.

Projects for online exams

A centralised service and support offering with a streamlined standard procedure for online exams is to be developed, especially for the standard exam formats with the activities "Test" and "Task" in Moodle. The departments can make use of this procedure, but do not have to. Requirements that go beyond this are the responsibility of the departments themselves.

The FHP is implementing online examinations with a new Moodle examination platform called Exam as a pilot project from 2022 to the end of 2025 (StEP measure 2.1.5).

Dimensionen im Projekt Exam Online-Prüfungen - Organisation, Didaktik, Technik, Recht

Implementation of online exams at the FHP (Moodle Exam)

Exam is a separate Moodle exam instance that is being implemented at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam.

Project Exam

ZDT Projekt Online-Prüfungen

Development of digital solutions for the supervision of online exams

The cooperation project "online-pruefungen.zdt-brandenburg" has set itself the goal of establishing online examinations as a legally compliant and sustainable examination method. Subsequently, online examinations were anchored in the Framework Regulations for Studies and Examinations (RO-SP) of the FH Potsdam at the beginning of 2023. A study on the implementation and a legal opinion as well as a Moodle course at the FH Potsdam were created to coordinate the amendment of the RO-SP statutes.

Online exams project


Digital Teaching Officer

Julia Lee
Studies and Teaching Unit
Head of the student e-learning team