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Final Presentation of the Cooperation Project "Circular Design Standard"

Plakat zur Einladung zur Abschlusspr?sentation des Kurses "Circular Design Standard" des FB Design der Fachhochschule Potsdam
? Tobias J?necke

Final presentation of the cooperation project "Circular Design Standard" of the FH Potsdam (study programme Design (MA) and Product Design (BA)) and the German Institute for Standardisation.

The circular economy is a concept for switching from linear to circular value creation systems, which pursues the goal of a sustainable reorganisation of the economy. Based on this concept, the German Institute for Standardisation developed the DIN EN 45560 standard ("Method for the design of circular products") to create requirements and guidelines for the integration of circularity into the design and development process of products, which companies can use as a guide for product development.

As part of a course in cooperation with DIN, students from the Department of Design have intensively studied the DIN EN 45560 standard ("Method for the design of circular products") and, by dismantling products and analysing them, have gained new insights that have been incorporated into the testing of new design approaches with the optimisation of material use and efficiency. The results of this work will be shown in an exhibition in the FHP Mobil on the premises of the German Institute for Standardisation in Berlin as part of a final presentation.

The closed presentation of the results will take place on 19.07.24 from 10.00 am to 3.00 pm on the premises of DIN in Berlin. The public exhibition in the FHP Mobil can be viewed by appointment from 22/07/2024.

Target audience: Professional audience


Closed Final Presentation

Deutsches Institut für Normung (DIN)
Burggrafenstra?e 6
10787 Berlin


Exhibition in the FHP Mobile

The exhibition in the FHP Mobil can be viewed by making an appointment by e-mail.

Deutsches Institut für Normung (DIN)
Burggrafenstra?e 6
10787 Berlin


Profilfoto Tobias J?necke
Academic Staff Member of the Research Group Climate-Friendly Reconstruction (InNoWest)