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Expert Talk "Research Data Management"

Loss of research data? Data management plan for research proposals? Completed your doctorate and thought about data storage? Good (research) data management (RDM) can help here!

We are delighted to have Carsten Schneemann, an expert in (research) data management at the FHP, for our expert talk. He will briefly and concisely introduce the basics of RDM and then focus on your own data management and successful proposal formulation. Before he is available to answer your personal or project-specific questions, he will demonstrate supporting tools and put you in contact with the RDM team at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. Take advantage of the existing support structures for research and learn about the benefits of good research data management.

Target audience: University members

13/06/2024, 9.00 am – 10.00 am

Please register by the 11th of June 2024 at sylvia.schmid@fh-potsdam.de (invitation link follows)

Location: Online


Dr. rer. pol. Sylvia Schmid
Consultant for Academic Human Resources Development and Project Coordinator P?Dual