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Projects of the Design Department

    Gem?ldecollage aus der Sammlung-Modebild

    Restaging Fashion – Digital Contextualisation of Vestimentary Sources

    The interdisciplinary research and digitalisation project "Restaging Fashion. Visualisation of Vestimentary Sources" (ReFa) has developed explorative approaches to holdings from the Berlin Art Library with its collection Modebild – Lipperheide Costume Library and from the Fabrics collection of the Germanisches Nationalmuseum Nuremberg.

    Tabletscreen zeigt einen Text mit der Headline Divided by Design

    Divided by Design

    An orientation towards more gender-equitable design

    Projekttitel auf regenbogenfarbener Karte von Berlin

    Queering the Map of Berlin

    A participatory exhibition concept on queer urban experience and spatial perception

    Person VR-Brille in einem Vorlesungssaal

    FUX-XR@FH;P: Extended Reality (XR)

    The aim of the project, which is funded by the European Regional Development Fund, is to bring together virtual and real environments.

    Logo des Forschungsprojekts "DataSkop"

    DataSkop — What Happens to My Data?

    The BMBF-funded project DataSkop focuses on the potential of innovative user interfaces and visualisations to promote the digital sovereignty of users.

    Medienkollisionen als Innovationstreiber

    COLLISIONS – Media Collisions as Innovation Drivers for New Approaches to Cultural Heritage

    The project explores the potential of immersion and narration for visualising and making available cultural assets.

    ?Das Neue Gartenfeld? – Resilienz und Transformation urbaner Strukturen. Die Studierenden des Lehrprojektes posieren mit den Lehrenden der FHP in einer Fabrikhalle in Berlin für das Foto

    "Das Neue Gartenfeld" – Resilience and Transformation of Urban Structures

    Design and research project work based on the planned urban neighbourhood "Das Neue Gartenfeld" in Berlin-Spandau – a real-life laboratory of urban innovation and an arena for social debate.

    Titelbild der Ausstellung Metall im Fluss. Vom Guss zur Form

    Metal in Flux. From Casting to Mould

    An exhibition project with the Kunstgewerbemuseum Berlin with the question: What potential do archives have for designers and what new types of design processes can be conceived in art casting?

    Schriftzug "Zugang Einbeziehung Teilhabe Anerkennung"

    Inter...what? Intersectionality! A Visual Introduction

    What is intersectionality? How are discrimination and privilege related? What does intersectional discrimination mean? These questions are answered in the web-based article "Inter...was? Intersektionalit?t! – Eine visuelle Einführung" answers them. With a combination of text, animated illustration and interactive data visualisation, it offers an introduction to the socially relevant topic of…

    Datenvisualisierung Topographie der Gewalt

    Topography of Violence

    Research cooperation with the Jewish Museum Berlin on the visualisation of anti-Semitic acts of violence between 1930 and 1938

    Logo des Forschungsprojekts "Visuelle und dynamische Arrangements von Nachrichten"

    VIDAN: Visual and Dynamic Arrangements of Messages

    VIDAN develops new interaction and visualisation techniques for the representation and exploration of complex data

    Logo des Forschungsprojekts "Interfaces to Data for Historical Social Network Analysis and Research"

    SoNAR (IDH): Interfaces to Data for Historical Social Network Analysis and Research

    Project to investigate and demonstrate a research technology for historical network analysis