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From Theory to Practice: Projects at the FH Potsdam at a Glance

Here you will find a current overview of selected projects at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. You can filter the projects by departments and degree programs, by project type, or by content focus.

Organisational unit
Degree programme
    Fans im Stadion, die ihre Mannschaft anfeuern

    Certificate Programme "Fan- und Zuschauermanagement" (FZM)

    The aim of the certificate programme is to provide scientific, conceptual, strategic and action-oriented skills for managerial, planning, coordinating and evaluating activities in the field of fan and spectator management.

    Taiwan – DAAD ISAP-Programms

    International Study and Training Partnership with the National Taipei University of Technology (Taiwan)

    Exchange programme for students and teachers within the framework of the DAAD ISAP programme

    Ausstellungsraum mit gro?em Aufsteller

    Dr?ngende Gegenwart × Luckenwalde – Photographic and Textile Works

    The exhibition "Dr?ngende Gegenwart – Fotografie als Forschungsinstrument" and "Dr?ngende Gegenwart – textiles in transit" combines photographic and textile works. Starting with the opening of the exhibition on the 6th of June 2024, it will be on display at the Luckenwalde branch until the 27th of June 2024.

    Visualisierung von Datenflüssen mittels exemplarischen Grafiken, Tabellen und Dokumenten

    Flex Data Competence (DigiFlex)

    The FLEX Data Competence (DigiFLEX) project will create e-learning programmes for teaching data skills by 2026, which are aimed at students from all departments and are specially tailored to the needs of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam.

    Junge geh?rlose Frau hat eine digitale virtuelle Online-Konferenz am Computer, benutzt Geb?rdensprache und zeigt Gesten am Bildschirm

    ?berAl – Transitions of Deaf and Hard of Hearing People in Working Life

    The research project funded by the Hans B?ckler Foundation is investigating the challenges and needs of employees who sign during career transitions.

    navel facial expressions

    Human-Robot Interaction in Social Robotics

    The aim of the project, which is subsidised by the European Regional Development Fund, is to set up an interdisciplinary test and experimental environment for social robots.

    Illustration zeigt zwei symbolhafte K?pfe mit Augen, die sich anschauen und je eine Sprechblase über dem Kopf haben. Diese Sprechblasen sind geformt wie Puzzleteile, die sich passend zusammensetzen lassen.

    VEStOR: Networking, Expansion, Strengthening of the OER Community OpenRewi

    VEStOR expands and strengthens OpenRewi e. V., so far the only community for open legal education materials in law, which aims to promote the breakthrough of open teaching and learning materials in legal studies.

    ein Vater im Gef?ngnis mit seinem Kind an einem Fenster

    Fatherhood in the Penal System

    A pilot study on the construction of parenthood by fathers in prison.

    Studierende mit den Schalungselementen für den Rumpf des Betonkanus

    Concrete Canoe Construction for the 19th German Concrete Canoe Regatta 2024

    In this project, students from the Departments of Civil Engineering and Design are designing and building concrete boats to compete against teams from all over Germany at the concrete canoe regatta in Brandenburg an der Havel in June 2024.

    Logo des Verbundprojektes QUADRIGA

    QUADRIGA: Berlin-Brandenburg Data Competence Centre for Digital Humanities, Administrative Science, Computer Science and Information Science

    The QUADRIGA data competence centre combines the four disciplines of digital humanities, administrative science, computer science and information science along the data types of text, table and moving image at the Berlin-Brandenburg research location.

    Illustration einer Wolke, die die Zahlen Null und Eins umschlie?t. Ein Papierflieger fliegt auf die Wolke zu.

    WiNoDa: Knowledge Laboratory for Scientific Collections and Object-Centred Data

    The WiNoDa project is establishing a data competence centre for data-driven research on natural science collections.

    Darstellung des WBS70-Geb?udes mit Geschossaufstockung

    Extension of a WBS 70 building

    In Potsdam am Schlaatz, an area that was newly developed at the end of the 1970s and into which the first residents moved in 1985, additional living space is to be created through redensification measures and additional storeys. The following wishes of those involved in the planning process were incorporated into the planning process and resulted in a number of conflicting objectives.