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From Theory to Practice: Projects at the FH Potsdam at a Glance

Here you will find a current overview of selected projects at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. You can filter the projects by departments and degree programs, by project type, or by content focus.

Organisational unit
Degree programme
    4 Bücher übereinander gestapelt, man sieht nur die Buchrücken

    School needs Orientation

    Design solutions for communication in educational institutions

    Blick über verschiedene W?nde mit gerahmten Fotografien und ein Banner mit dem Titel Dr?ngende Gegenwart

    Dr?ngende Gegenwart - Photography as a Research Tool

    Exhibition for the Brandenburg State Parliament

    Bunte Sitze, angebracht am Gel?nder einer Stra?enbahnhaltestelle.

    MORARI – Redefining Comfort at Station

    Morari (Latin for linger) is a six-part urban furniture series developed in collaboration with Jesse Altmann, Valentina Lenk and Klara Schneider, which questions the comfort at bus stops using Potsdam as an example.

    Schr?gansicht der L?ngsseite des Gehilfenhauses der Melonerie im Park Sanssouci

    Servants' Lodge of the Melonerie in Sanssouci Park

    Draft of a refurbishment strategy in line with heritage requirements

    Eltern mit ihren Kleinkindern in einer Beratungssituation

    Event Series "Elternwissen" with the Healthy Kids Network Potsdam

    Events for parents with infants and toddlers aged 0 to 3 years with topics about parenting and child development in the first three years of life

    Ansicht des Winkelbunkers

    Conservation of the Outer Shell of a Winkelbunker in Kirchm?ser, Brandenburg

    The building is to be analysed and documented in order to plan suitable measures for its repair and long-term preservation.

    Illustration mit Virtual Reality-Brille, Sprechblasen und dem dem Titel ConvoQuest

    Innovative Digital Media as a Learning Environment for Challenging Forms of Conversation in Social Professions

    In the "ConvoQuest" project, innovative digital media as learning environments are being investigated and tested. The project focuses on a course at the FH Potsdam from the summer term of 2023, in which students developed prototypical, innovative learning environments. In the future, these can be used as a source of knowledge for questions about conversation techniques.

    Bildauswahl aus dem Archiv des Fotografen Frédéric Brenner

    GraDiM: Granularities of Dispersion and Materiality – Visualising a Photo Archive on Diaspora

    In collaboration with photographer Frédéric Brenner and his international project team, the GraDiM research project is developing theoretical and technical concepts for the visualisation of a photo archive with particular sensitivity for a collection documenting the Jewish diaspora.

    Schild mit dem Hinweis Selbsthilfe auf Mauerwerk

    Self-help in the Context of Addiction, Penal System and Release from Prison

    The study examines addiction self-help services in prison and after release from prison.

    Urnenprojekt Sepulcrum Gewinnerurne

    sepulcrum – Biodegradable Urns for Humans or Animals

    In the "sepulcrum" seminar, contemporary and biodegradable urns for humans or animals were designed in cooperation with the family business and urn manufacturer V?lsing. In a final presentation with jury meeting at the Baumschulenweg crematorium, the best urn designs were awarded prizes.

    Prof. Dr. Eva Schmitt-Rodermund, Prof. Dr. Ulrike Wuttke und Prof. Dr. Rainer Schützeichel mit dem Prototyp des “Bornstedter Zeitfensters” auf dem FHP-Campus / Der Prototyp besteht aus einem Holzgetstell mit Campus-Bildern und Textpassagen

    Me — We — Potsdam-Bornstedt: Biography of a District

    In the spirit of the question formulated in the seminar title about the "biography of a district", Potsdam-Bornstedt was to be researched by means of an interdisciplinary and intergenerational approach in order to work out the urban and socio-spatial development of the district and ultimately make it presentable.