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All News of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam

News nach Aktualit?t

Organisational unit
    Die Preistr?gerin des DAAD Presies, Phantina Sholi h?lt ihre Urkunde und ein Strau? Blumen hoch. Sie steht in einem grün bewachsenen Garten.
    International Office

    Press release

    Awarding of the DAAD Prize 2023 to Phantina Sholi

    Phantina Sholi, student in "Childhood Studies and Children's Rights (M. A.)", was awarded the DAAD Prize 2023 for her outstanding academic achievements and her remarkable intercultural commitment.

    Logo of the Brandenburg State Conference of University Presidents
    President's Council
    University policy

    Press release

    'Science ship' sets sail – Reception for new Appointments in the State of Brandenburg

    Brandenburg's Minister of Science Dr. Manja Schüle and State Secretary Tobias Dünow welcomed the newly appointed professors from the eight state universities as well as the winners of the State Teaching Prize and the Postdoc Prize on the MS Belvedere, which temporarily became the 'Science Ship 2023'…

    Person l?uft über eine Stra?e in einem kleineren Ort
    Design Research & Transfer

    Press release

    Exhibition "Dr?ngende Gegenwart" shows photographic Works by Design Students at the Potsdam State Parliament

    The exhibition "Dr?ngende Gegenwart - Fotografie als Forschungsinstrument" was opened on the 11th of July 2023 in the foyer of the Brandenburg State Parliament by the President of the State Parliament, Prof. Dr. Ulrike Liedtke. The photographic works of students from the Department of Design will be…

    Frau Schmitt-Rodermund und Frau Knüppel unterzeichnen in Anwesenheit von Herrn Brunotte die Kooperationsvereinbarung im Namen der Fachhochschule Potsdam.
    Design Research & Transfer

    Press release

    Cooperation between the Brandenburg Textile Museum Forst (Lausitz) and the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam

    The cooperation agreement between the Brandenburg Textile Museum Forst (Lausitz) and the Department of Design at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam builds a bridge between historical and contemporary textile works. Looking from the past to the future, the University of Applied Sciences and…

    Rednerpult in einem H?rsaal der FH Potsdam
    Equal Opportunities Commissioner
    University policy

    Press release

    FH Potsdam once again in the Top Group for the Proportion of Female Professors in the CEWS University Ranking for Gender Equality in 2023

    The current university ranking according to gender equality aspects 2023 by the Center of Excellence Women and Science (CEWS) confirms that the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam is one of the leaders in the nationwide comparison of the proportion of women in professorships. In comparison with…

    Collage von Bauten Peter Behrens
    Study & Teaching

    Press release

    Exhibition Opening: Peter Behrens in Berlin and Brandenburg

    Under the guiding principle of "research-based learning", students at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam have developed an exhibition that shows the built work of Peter Behrens in the Berlin / Brandenburg region and the current state of research in the form of a "review". The exhibition…

    Beteiligte bei der Visionenwerkstatt zur Campusentwicklung am Schlaatz
    Research & Transfer Social and Educational Sciences

    Press release

    Final Plenary Session on the Participation Process for the Weidenhof Primary School Campus Development – Bürgerhaus am Schlaatz

    The final plenary session on the 22nd of June 2023 in the ballroom of the Bürgerhaus am Schlaatz marked the first milestone in the development of the campus of the Weidenhof Primary School – Bürgerhaus am Schlaatz. Lord Mayor Mike Schubert personally informed himself about the vision for future…

    Redesign (ein Konzept) für die ?Die Eisfrau GmbH “ in Potsdam
    Study & Teaching

    Press release

    FHP Student creates new Design for Potsdam's Ice Cream Parlour "Eisfrau"

    The local ice cream shop "Eisfrau" recently adopted a new look, which was designed by communication design student Birte Rauch. The design was created in a foundation course of the degree programme Communication Design at the Department of Design at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam.

    Kukeldash Medrese in Usbekistan
    International Office CITY | BUILDING | CULTURE Civil Engineering

    Press release

    Uzbekistan Exhibition at the FH Potsdam

    From the 15th to the 30th of June 2023, the FH Potsdam invites you to view impressions from Uzbekistan in the foyer of its main building. The exhibition includes painted works by Uzbek artists and partners of the FH Potsdam, as well as photos that give an impression of the art and culture of…

    "Baukultur & Klimaschutz - Lebenswerte Zentren schaffen"; im Hintergrund das belgische Viertel

    Press release

    3rd Building Culture Dialogue in the Series "Living Building Culture and Climate Protection"

    "Baukultur-Dialogue – Baukultur und Klimaschutz leben" is a three-part series of events as part of the Baukultur Year Brandenburg 2023. It is embedded in the profile line Design-Build-Preserve of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam and takes place in cooperation with Kulturland Brandenburg…

    Illustrierte Frau mit nebenstehendem Text "Stich your Pitch - Teile deine Vision auf TikTok"
    Start-up 足球比分网
    Campus life


    TikTok Call and Chance to win – @diecampusgründerin

    Start-up service goes TikTok! Check out our new channel now, pitch your idea and win one of three vouchers!

    Studentin benutzt einen Textmarker, um in einer Liste zu markieren. Zu sehen ist die Tischoberfl?che, ein Block, diverse Stifte, sowie die H?nde. Im Hintergrund ist eine Tastatur zu erkennen.
    Study and Examination 足球比分网
    足球比分网 information


    Upgrade of the Semester Ticket to the Deutschlandticket

    Students at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam can now upgrade their semester ticket to a Deutschlandticket and use almost all means of transport throughout Germany.