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From Theory to Practice: Projects at the FH Potsdam at a Glance

Here you will find a current overview of selected projects at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. You can filter the projects by departments and degree programs, by project type, or by content focus.

Organisational unit
Degree programme
    Mehrere Personen stehen in einem abgedunkelten Raum un betrachten eine Ausstellungswand zum Thema "The Iranian Internet"

    The Iranian Internet

    Master's thesis by Maral Pourkazemi

    Ansichten des Geb?udes und Grafiken Messdaten Innentemperatur, Geb?udeetage

    Concept for the Sustainable Restoration and Energy-Efficient Refurbishment of the Former Bavarian State Representation in Bonn

    The project is to evaluate the former Bavarian State Representation of Sep Ruf in Bonn from a structural, energy, monument preservation and economic point of view.

    Mithilfe eines Prototyps zeigt eine Person, wie die Anwendung mittels Smartphone erfolgen soll und wie die Funktionsweise des Multitouch-Tisches ist.


    LiquiData is a multi-touch table application that allows users to visualise their movement profile stored in their smartphone and add photos and comments to public places.

    Durch eine Zieh-Geste mit dem Zeigefinger vom Start- zum Endpunkt der gewünschten Route wird der Routenplaner aktiviert.

    Grabble Table

    The Grabble Table is a multi-touch application that enables intuitive route planning with the BVG's means of transport for several users at the same time.

    Innenansicht des Mausoleum Harteneck auf dem Stahnsdorfer Friedhof

    Mural | The Caspary and Harteneck Mausoleums in the Stahnsdorf Southwest Churchyard

    Inventory and condition survey of the superstructure and burial chamber of both mausoleums, plaster analysis, research on the (noble) plaster technique in the superstructure of the Harteneck mausoleum, development of a conservation concept for possible replacement of missing parts



    Bild von Helm und Schild für das  Fest der Wei?en Rose

    Metal | Helmet and Shield for the White Rose Festival

    The helmet and shield from the holdings of the Foundation Palaces and Gardens Berlin-Brandenburg were restored for an exhibition. The items were part of the elaborate costumes worn by the guests at the festival "Der Zauber der wei?en Rose", given in 1829 in honour of Alexandra Feodorowna's 31st birthday.

    Beispiele für Komponten aus Stahl von Geb?uden in Modulbauweise

    FOSTA – Building as a Steel Component System

    Development of a component system in steel construction under consideration of architectural, constructive and energetic requirements

    Entwurf des Projektes mit Bildern und Flussdiagramm

    PR?VENT - Preventive Climate Management in Historic Buildings

    The research project is dedicated to the protection of valuable cultural assets by optimising environmental and climatic conditions.

    Research Work by the FH Potsdam in Uzbekistan

    Since 2002, professors from the departments of CITY | BUILDING |CULTURE and Civil Engineering have been cooperating with various universities in Uzbekistan. This has resulted in various projects.

    Grafik zum Projekt "Rover" von Stefan Aufrichter

    Rover – Integrated Thinking on Mobility

    The four-wheeled electric scooter for the city